Our Chair of Governors is Hannah Morris. Hannah is a Parent Governor, our Safeguarding &
Looked After Children Governor and also our Anti-Bullying Governor. You can contact her by email at h.morris@tpna.org.uk
Our Vice- Chair of Governors is John Cooper. You can contact him by email at j.cooper@tpna.org.uk
Rachel Croft is our Staff Governor
Rebecca Elliott is Pupil Premium Governor
Our other Governors are Paul Hallam, David Parmley, Leah Proctor and Claire Wright
Our Clerk to Governors is Lucy Norman
If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please get in touch.
Here is a copy of the Trust Scheme of Delegation: Trust Scheme Of Delegation
and a link to the Trust governance website: https://www.redhillacademytrust.org.uk/governance